Campaign Setting Guide to Erde

A Guide to Erde




Prehistoric era – Elves on Erde during latter part of this time. 0 – 3.5 billion years.

Time of Brilliance – Peak of Elven civilization and achievement on Erde. 3.5 – 4 billion years.

The Departure – Elves left Erde prior to a massive extinction event they would not have been able to survive, they took some creatures plants and all their technology and magic with them. (This event is only known since the return of the Elves to Erde). Some Elves brave venturing into the Fey wild. 4 billion years.

Rise of man – from prehistoric man to modern man. 4.5 billion years Passage of time chronicled by men based on rise of human civilization very little of this civilization remains anywhere on the surface of Erde today.

The Fall – No one knows exactly what happened, but everything fell apart, likely due to warfare or some sort of disease. Intelligent life all but disappeared nearly all the advances and history of men was lost. (Global War – Nukes, bioweapons, everything imaginable used against one another). 2900 AD

The Great Nothing – No history from this period. Small pockets of humans survived during this time but little to no access to their prior technologies. Dragons and Giants made their presence known once again on Erde.  This period lasted for an estimated 59 million years. Dragons ruled most of Erde during this time but infighting and war with the Giants caused both civilizations to collapse. Giants and Dragons largely retreat from the world with their numbers drastically reduced by the war and neither race being fast to reproduce.

The Awakening – The 7 Prime Races rose from the ashes of the ancient civilizations. Humans, Dwarves, Halflings, Orcs, Gnomes, Goliaths, and Goblins and began to establish their own civilizations. 0 BCE – 1200 BCE (Before Common Era)

The Return – Elves returned to Erde no one knows why they returned. They were peaceful at first but quickly came into conflict with the 7 races as they felt they had a right to all lands and resources as Erde’s first peoples. They brought with them many of the magics and creatures from before their departure from Erde. 1200 – 1346 BCE

The Elf Wars – Humans, Halflings, Dwarves, and Orcs fought a War with the Elves for 600 years. The Elves superior magic gave them a distinct edge over the other races. However, the other races vastly outnumbered the Elves and managed to bring the war to stalemate that lasted nearly 500 years. Eventually a peace treaty was established between the Elves, Humans, Halflings, and Dwarves. The Orcs were unwilling to make peace as they had been hunted to the brink of extinction, some groups of Elves seemed to take a sick pleasure from hunting Orcs. As a result, Orcs are largely hostile to all the other races and have become tribal. 1346 – 1946 BCE

The Knowing – The Gods reveal themselves to the peoples of Erde. (They are not really gods, but powerful monsters, and technologically advanced peoples, who stole their power from Erde itself, whose conflicts have spilled over to this world) 2000 BCE

The Bloom - Magic blooms throughout the world. Magical knowledge is gained by the peoples of Erde.  2000 -2354 BCE

The Schism – A powerful tribe of Orcs known as the Black Fists capture a god revered by most of the Elves sparking all-out war between Elf and Orc once more. In the process the god is killed. No one knows how this happened as it should not have been possible to kill a god except by the hand of another god (there are several ways to kill them). Many of the gods became furious with the peoples of Erde and brought about The Sundering as a punishment. Many of the gods from this time lose their following and are largely forgotten (Many are outright killed or driven away by the other gods during this time). 2354 – 2362 BCE

The Sundering – This event creates the badlands and spawns anti magic zones all over Erde. Monstrosities roam the world and the wild places become dangerous once more. Large portions of magical knowledge are lost. Most civilizations collapse and are replaced with new ones creating a cycle of rising and falling civilizations. The Dwarves retreat into their Mountains. Many elves retreat into the deep forests. Halflings vanish into the hills. 2362 BCE  

The Cycle – Human civilizations rise and fall over and over with little contact with the other major races of Erde. The Wilds become wilder and previously unseen peoples begin to flit in and out of the sparse history of this time. New gods or lesser-known gods made themselves known, Many have short reigns before vanishing. 2362 BCE – 0 CE It is estimated that this period lasted some 60k years.

The Common Era – The many races of Erde have come back out of seclusion and begun interacting again. Some peoples are making a concerted effort to tame the wilds, but the magic influence of the Sundering is still strong, and many places seem completely untamable. The badlands are a wild inhospitable place filled with anti-magic zones and monstrosities that can hardly be imagined, magic runs rampant here and is wholly unpredictable. Somewhere at its center is the location the god was slain.  However, in the more hospitable lands the people of Erde live largely peaceful lives compared to The Cycle. Trade is established between the kingdoms and the many unseen people have established their own kingdoms as well as intermingled with the Prime peoples. 0 – 1057 CE Present

God WarsFuture event, A Great Force led by the Orcs against the false gods of Erde will be killed or driven from the world. 10??CE – 1122CE

Discovery of Momentum – Gnomish Researcher by the name of Euler Ledymzam discovered Momentum along with his Orc and Human colleagues Isomre “The Hallowed” and Danel Taverner respectively.


Cities, Nations, & The Wilds


The Wilds


Erde is a wild place that plays host to a wide variety of deadly creatures. From ogres to owlbears, to massive, living oozes, there are truly a thousand ways to die in Erde. Evolutionarily speaking, this might be linked to the influence of Magic on Erde’s wildlife, but the effect is clear: The Wilds are not a safe place.

Civilized peoples build walls around every major city, and smaller fortifications are common even around little hamlets. When gnolls and trolls are about, it pays to be able to defend yourself. In almost every case, a trained militia of Town Guardsmen defend these fortifications and maintain peace within the settlements, both large and small. But these walls form a sharp divide between the realms of Cities and those of the Wilds. Druids, nature, and monsters claim much of the world, while men, cities, and agriculture stake claim on the rest, ill at ease with each other's presence. 

Civilized races go to great lengths to defend themselves from the great beasts of the Wilds. Every trade caravan boasts armed guards, and each hamlet trains its guardsmen to use pikes and spears, should the day come that a dire bear decides to stroll into town. Moreover, they employ a potent weapon against the monsters of the Wilds: the highly skilled Wardens.


A closed circle of monster-slayers, the Wardens track and hunt the most menacing monstrosities, controlling their population and exterminating them when they wander too close to civilization. The life of a Warden is often a solitary one; most Wardens hunt alone though some work in small groups to take on particularly challenging prey, and the wilderness is their only home. The Wardens coordinate their efforts through scrying and communication magic, but the kill is theirs alone. Wardens specialize in hunting specific types of monsters and feel personal accountability when their quarry reaches a settlement or evades their grasp.

Theirs is an exclusive group. Admission to the Wardens involves proving yourself by finding the Red Lodge, the Wardens' base of operations. This is no simple task; the Red Lodge is never recorded on any map and it lies on the far side of some of the most treacherous terrain in Erde. Potential Wardens must face perilous weather, challenging trails, and deadly monsters on their way to the lodge, but the prestige alone is worth it. Wardens are among the most feared combatants in all the land, capable of laying low a dire bear or a troll singlehandedly, and being recognized by their order guarantees respect in most any circle

Adventuring in the Wilds

On the roads connecting major cities, adventurers can find steady work guarding caravans from the threats of the Wild, repelling bandit raids and slaying wandering monsters that pose a threat. This work is mostly uneventful, but provides free travel from place to place, which is a valuable service when adventurers are in search of work or fleeing trouble. Caravans are a frequent sight on the major roads, for skilled gnomish tinkers and wizard journeymen often travel to ply their trade, and they pay well for adventurers interested in guarding them.  

And, of course, when a Dungeon is discovered, adventurers must brave the Wilds in order to reach it. Often, the Deep Wilds or Badlands, where the most dangerous monsters’ dwell outside the reach of the Wardens, is more perilous than the Dungeon itself. The Badlands are isolated from the outside world due to the nature of the land being one giant plateau raised above the surrounding area.






The paved streets and towering walls of the great cities stand testament to civilization's might. The walls defy not only invading forces, but any monster that might endanger the people within. Under the safe umbrella of their walls, cities form trade hubs and centers of industry where innovation and creativity can blossom. This is where business is done and where coin can be easily found, if, that is, you are willing to work for it. But the cities are not without their dangers.


Adventuring in the Cities

Odd-jobs are never hard to come by in cities, and easy-to find Job-Posting Boards are posted in taverns, inns, and general stores that adventurers are likely to frequent. These jobs can be of most any variety, from assisting the town guard in solving a dangerous mystery, to deals made with shadowy agents of the Thieves' Guild, and it is crucial that adventurers carefully select the jobs they take, lest they end up on the wrong side of the law or in-over-their-heads on a dangerous quest. It is also very easy to get tied up in conflicts between different factions within the cities, like feuds between the sorcerer houses, volatile political machinations, or class warfare. But there is plenty of good to be done. Sometimes, a well-armed group of adventurers is uniquely positioned to combat a threat or investigation that the Town Guard can't manage. Other times, just being an impartial group is key to doing some good.     

 In the cities, adventurers can also find wealthy Patrons for steady employment. Often, these patrons will have strong ties to one or more factions, and will employ a party or two to manipulate the balance of power in their favor. Sometimes this is unsavory work, but a patron's deep pockets can make up for that.



Ubiquitous Town Guard guild employed in almost every city unless they have their own private guard force. They are usually well outfitted and have a reputation for efficiency and being highly skilled. Higher pay rewards a town with more experienced guards but the Watchers pride themselves on a minimum level of ability and all are competent and carry some specific tools to help them keep their towns safe. Watchers have access to Iron Bands of Binding and Watchman’s Whistle (summons support to their position). They also have the Pack Tactics Ability added to their stat block.


Thieves’ Guild

Crime runs rampant in the largest of cities. The most powerful and influential criminal organization, the Thieves' Guild, has pockets deep enough to influence politics, and even to buy off the town guard, largely exempting it from the law. From drug sales to protection rackets, the Guild can find coin almost anywhere, and it is a fool that gets in their way. Killing isn't strictly their business, as they leave those matters to the shadowy Guild of Assassins, but Thieves’ Guild enforcers have no scruples of breaking kneecaps and shattering ribs if someone inconveniences the guild in any way. The guild is present in nearly every nations’ major cities as individual groups operating independently of one another but ultimately beholden to the central leadership.



The Inquisition serves a much more important role in the larger conflicts in Erde, but it finds purpose in lawful efforts both big and small. Inquisitors are infamously hard to pay off, ruthless in their pursuit of justice, and more than capable in a fight. If they had the numbers or the singular motivation to crush an organization like the Thieves Guild, it would be a foregone conclusion. Such is the tenacity of trained Inquisitors.

Often, adventurers discovering the roots of a mystery will be surprised to find a pair of Inquisitors already engaged in the investigation, having followed an unrelated thread to the plot at hand. To them, the criminal matters like the Thieves' Guild are yet a smaller part of a much grander scheme of espionage, conspiracy, and heresy, but assisting the law, or a group of plucky adventurers, is a righteous step. Inquisitors will therefore often assume the roles of primary detectives in a case, especially when doing so might afford them needed information about their broader investigations.


               A newer religion that has been embraced by the emperor. They claim their god is the only true god in Erde. They worship a deity referred to as the Truth. Their goals appear on the surface to be largely that of offering aid and assistance to those in need however, more than a cursory glance at their activities and ideologies reveal an obsessive belief in a need to cleanse Erde of impurities. They believe non-humans are the cause of all of Erde’s troubles as well as arcane magics. The Inquisition has a strong desire to wipe out Arcane Magic and the Elves are a particular concern to them being so intrinsically linked to the Arcane. They believe in purification by fire. They believe that as a reward for their dedication to the Truth that they will be rewarded with an eternal life.

It is rumored that at the highest levels of the church that this desire for eternal life has led to reverence for the undead and experimentation with human spirit capture and transference. Some high priests are rumored to cleanse the spirit of those they deem impure by bringing them closer to the Truth through undeath.





               There are 12 Distinct Nations in Erde with their own unique political structures and values. Large scale wars are rare in the history of Erde as many of the races tend to intermingle, this is particularly true in the largely independent Falken lands and open Marches of Lithand.


               Homeland of Dwarves and Goliaths isolated nation mostly due to its frigid and deadly climate. Dwarves do not mind visitors and export many rare metals and goods to the “southern nations” as they call them. They sometimes trade with the Goliaths but mostly they rarely interact. Goliaths largely keep to themselves and do not directly trade with any but their Dwarven neighbors.  Location of the Dwarven capital city Duradomum, where approximately 60% of all dwarves live all 5 clans have representatives here to be a voice for their people to the king who is chosen from one of the 5 clans every 100 years.

Dwarves dig down and find an ancient AI. It changes their culture forever. Leading them toward construction of Mekanix. They also begin augmenting their bodies with machinery. The AI teaches them to preserve life through the creation of Replika (Warforged) when the body can no longer be saved the spirit can me melded with Mekanix to give them new life.


               Home to the secretive and inventive Gnomish people. The Gnomes of Nulnagzig only rarely leave their lands. The ones that do largely do so seeking new ideas, components, and technologies from the ancient civilizations. Nulnagzig has a strong trade relationship with the Dwarves of Thonhold and the Falken Lands to the south. They have a very tense relationship with the Sletian Empire on their Eastern border. They have recently devised a powerful new weapon, the gun. They guard the secrets of these powerful weapons as they are a great deterrent against their neighbors to the east.

Sletian Empire

               Isolationist Human Nation. The Sletian Empire is led by a long line of Human Emperors who dislike the other races and view them all as inferior to humans. They keep closed borders to all non-humans and desire to expand them whenever possible. They worship one singular God who they believe to be the only true god. Their inquisitors roam Erde seeking to destroy those they see to be actively working toward heretical/evil goals. The Inquisition is rumored to be waging a war against the other religions.


               Elven nation that spends most of its time in deep seclusion largely made up of wood elves and others that prefer a deeper connection to Erde and the dark. Selotheans rarely interacts with any of the other nations though their Rangers frequently become Wardens. The Selotheans live a much freer life than their High elven cousins in Shaunenor.  They separated and formed their own nation with little to no central government, but all operate under similar beliefs. There is a royal family that manages the nation, but they largely do not interfere in the day to day lives of their people acting more as spiritual guides than monarchs. The heir to the royal family was lost and no further children have been born. The Queen is deeply depressed by the loss of her child.


               Elven nation made up largely of High Elves. The Elven nation of Shaunenor is the primary aggressor in the Elf wars and still believe themselves to be superior to the other races. They consider the Wood Elves to be rightfully part of their nation but up to this point have not forced the issue, as they do not wish to try to invade the forbidding swamp land forest that the wood elves call home. They view others as lesser beings having risen only in their absence. They have a strict caste system:

  • The Royal Family resides above all others.
  • Magi made up of ancient families with ties to the Royal Family and powerful magic users a select few capable of High Magic or descendants of those who once wielded such power.
  • Splendid notable peoples often gifted with remarkable beauty.
  • Honored, largely made up of families and peoples who have performed some remarkable feat.
  • Moneyed, consisting of merchants, traders, and craftsmen.
  • Legion, these are your everyday soldiers and guards, belonging to the legion is a step above your average citizen, their authority within the cities places them in a strange position socially when dealing with those higher than themselves though most treat them with deference and respect for the service they provide their people.
  • Throng these are your farmers, workers, everyday people.
  • Unspoken, these are the people deemed unfit for society criminals and “servants” these people are spelled by High Magic to be unable to speak to anyone outside of their caste unless spoken to first.

Possibly fated to become the Smoldering Waste after the Empire, under the influence of the Inquisition, burns their great forest to the ground leaving behind a land that seems to smolder and smoke without end. People become known as the Grey Elves as they are forever stained by smoke and soot and their spirits are turned grey from a deep cultural depression which alters their very essence.

Falken Lands

               Largely independent lands in the southwest. Technically they are under the rule of the Sletian Empire but have been allowed to operate largely independently as long as they pay the emperor’s tax. Separated from the Empire by the Elf Wood and The Tear (a relatively shallow but treacherous sea) the region operates mostly without any central form of government. Each city operating independently of one another. The peoples of the Falken Lands value their independence. Even so, most have come to accept the hands-off rule of the empire, though some still remember that they used to be their own independent nation with an elected leadership. There are whispers of revolution though they largely fall on deaf ears.

  • Astrea Southern coastal town on the major river called the Black Run that drains the Inner Sea (Sea of Mihlal, GOO) The city itself is surrounded by a lush plain and large forest which eventually gives itself over to the surrounding swamp lands created by all the slips and spills from the Black Run as the land becomes very flat and allows the water to spread out. However, the Black Run maintains its flow through to the sea through a combination of ancient engineering and the magical properties of the Black Run itself. This city is relatively young and just starting to develop its own personality. Magic runs strong here; Cults are not unheard of in this region nor are witches and Vodon practitioners. The forest surrounding the region offers magical protection to the region and is tended by its own Druidic Circle. Wandering monsters are rare humanity is the source of most threats here. The town is thematically inspired by the most iconic southern cities. Hanging Spanish moss old brick roads and alleyways. Major aspects of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Charleston, Beaufort, Savannah, Mississippi steamboats, Shrimp, Antebellum houses, Music, and aboveground mausoleum burial practices.
  • Wizard runs a bakery creates enchanted pastries and treats. High influence in Astrea Rivals the Vodon Priestess. Inspired by Gay Auntie Shining Nathan.
  • Temple Town situated on the northern coast of the Falken lands along The Tear. It is the only point of crossing The Tear by sea and the quickest route to the north lands. This site is home to an ancient temple originally dedicated to The Tear itself. The original cultists believed an ancient diety resides within and is the cause for its extreme nature. They hoped to appease the god and allow for safe travel. Over time a city formed around this important site. The inquisition has arrived in city and has taken over the temple converting it to serve the Truth.

City of Bone

               Massive city in the Deep Below. Prison of the god Seknaphet. It is ruled by the High Priests of the cult of Seknaphet. In the center of the city is a dull white pyramid said to be built from the bones of an elder god long forgotten. The pyramid is rumored to be a prison and powerful artifact capable of containing the god Seknaphet though it does little to quell his influence. The city is constructed all around the pyramid most buildings are constructed from dark black and grey stone with white accents. No building is allowed to rise to a height that would obscure the view of the central pyramid so it is rare that any building rises above a second story. buildings that need to have more vertical space tend to build further down into the deep. The city is illuminated by eerie blue flames. All manner of strange and familiar beings call the city home. Most that would choose to reside here should not be trusted. 4 factions vie for control of the city’s outer districts. All ultimately answer to the rule of the High Priests and members of the cult of Seknaphet reside within the central ring. The city is, fittingly, fueled by rumor, intrigue, and constant plots. Murder is common though is best kept to the shadows as the city is ruled with very strict laws, punishment for these laws range from exorbitant fines, imprisonment in the Spider’s Web (name of the prison run by the Arachnidae little to no light many go mad or die here), banishment (often a death sentence), or sacrifice to Seknaphet (could be a limb, eye, tongue, or life).




Liar’s Night 

(Halloween) Tricks, pranks, and even pickpocketing were common on this night; thus, tradition had people filling their pockets with candy in lieu of money. Pickpockets took the candy and replaced it with a small token such as a folded scrap of paper, or a trinket. More commonly, people just traded candy at face value, and readily handed it out to children who asked. Illusionists and stage magicians were often hired to perform or wandered the streets in hopes of garnering clients.

Yule –

(Christmas) Yule lads, tricks, yule logs, yule cat, presents, rotten potatoes, kidnapping, child eating trolls. Gyrla can be gifted unwanted or naughty children. She may steal them if not given freely. She can also be given good food instead by the parents of the desired children.



World Features/Notes


Creation Myth – The primeval gods (GOO) spoke the true name of the universe and thus brought everything into existence. True Names give the speaker ultimate power over the subject, though names change as the subject changes.

The elementals first appeared as beings of unbelievable power rivaling the Great Old Ones. The GOO stripped much of the power from the elementals forcing them into service in constructing the various planar realms. As the realms were formed, as an unintended consequence of stealing the power from the Elementals to construct the Planes, Dragons sprung into being, their life forces intrinsically linked to the planes, life, and magic itself.

The original dragons’ names have largely been lost to time, but they were beings of unimaginable power. They were essentially True Gods as all of creation was linked to their lives. They worked together with the Elementals to seal the GOO away in the Far Realm. Success came at great cost to the ancient dragons. During the war Ancient Elementals created realms of their own with the help of the dragons where they ultimately retreated after the war. The dragons were all killed in the battle with the GOO, with the exception of one.  Sarin Deus, the Platinum dragon general, and sole survivor of the Elder War.

 Luckily for the future of Erde the vanquished dragons had left behind a clutch of eggs who inherited their parents’ powers. The Ancient Elementals realizing how vulnerable the dragons were in this moment launched an assault from their positions of power against the dragons. Sarin Deus now required to watch over and protect the remainder of his species created the Elven peoples as his army bestowing great power and immortality upon them. The Elves proved themselves on the battlefield managing to push the elementals back into their planes where Sarin Deus with the assistance of the Elven generals sealed the Ancient Elementals within their realms.

Notes on Dragons: The power and link to life is spread among all dragons and as such each individual dragon is far less powerful than the original dragons. As dragons’ numbers reduce the power coalesces in the remaining dragons. Though no dragon has even a drop of the true power they possess until they reach their Ancient life stage and Gargantuan size. If only one dragon remains from any line all the power that belonged to that draconic line will be theirs but only when they reach their full potential as a Gargantuan Ancient Dragon. If all dragons perish without any living heirs, the GOO will be free to leave the Far Realm and the Ancient Elementals power will be restored.

Badlands – The badlands are the ancestral homelands of the Orcs. This region was once known as Rowhal. They are elevated above the surrounding lands; the entire region is a giant plateau. The only point that comes down to sea level is the very tip of the Eastern coast, here the Triton peoples of Morlia have established a small outpost where they engage in trade with the Orcs.   This region is in the process of becoming a vast ultraviolet grassland as the region is highly infused with magic from killing Corellon. There is one city standing against the hordes of monsters and magical instability present in the region. The Black City constructed on the very spot the god was slain.

Wyrd Stones - gray/black stones with bright white lines running through them. Capable of producing great and unexpected effects when successfully activated with magic. Some simple uses as power sources have been discovered but they are dangerous to work without the assistance of an Artificer and can produce especially unexpected effects when under the influence of a Wild Magic Storm. Anti-Magic effects do not cancel their powers like other magical artifacts.

Griffon Riders – secret/lost peoples live on an island chain between the Falken Lands and the Northern Elven Nations. Isolated but very friendly and helpful people. Culture built around the taming and riding of Griffons which nest in large numbers on one of the islands.  Almost exclusively half elves. Some humans and some elves but half elves make up most of the people who live here. There are also two families of gnomes that live here. z

True Names – Knowing the true name of something gives you power over it. To discover the true name of something or someone you must truly know the absolute truth of the thing. Or just find it written down somewhere. True names can change if the subject changes in a fundamental way.  If you invoke the true name of a person or thing it gives you advantage and a x1.5 modifier (round up result) on rolls concerning it.

Resurrection – The Raven Queen is not a fan of resurrection magic. She will become increasingly hostile toward those that are resurrected. She will send her agents after the resurrected to try to kill & capture them. The more times someone is resurrected the more determined her efforts to have you killed will be and at a certain point it would require extreme measures to keep her at bay. Eventually she will come for you herself.

Wild Magic Storms – As a result of the sundering Magic has become wild and unpredictable. There are two types of magical storms that take place throughout Erde especially on Western Continent and frequently effect the Wyld Sea. Wild magic storms are exactly what they sound like magical storms where magic goes haywire, and spells can take on unexpected properties and act erratically. These storms themselves can produce magical effects and when these storms occur in the extreme north, which is very rare, they often leave behind Shards, crystalized pure magic.  

Anti-Magic Storms – As a result of the sundering Magic has become wild and unpredictable. There are two types of magical storms that take place throughout Erde, especially on the Western Continent. Anti-Magic storms are exactly that. They create temporary zones where magic ceases to function.

Wyld Sea – The sea which separates the Western and Eastern continents is known as the Wyld Sea. The sundering unleashed all of the primal fury of the ocean and infused it with further power. Nigh unnavigable there are only a few locations where frequent crossings are possible and even here ships can be overcome by the effects of Wild Magic and Anti-Magic storms, not to mention the sea monsters.

Shards – Elves refer to these shards as God’s Blood and oppose their use as magical conduits. Concentrated Red Crystals of pure magic. These incredible sources of magic are scattered throughout the badlands most buried deep in the earth by the explosion of magic as the god Corellon was killed. Very rarely these Shards can be produced by Wild Magic Storms taking place in the extreme cold; shards created in this way are usually very small compared to the ones that occurred as a result of the death of Corellon.

Guns – A recent gnomish invention, still highly experimental and takes someone with training to use and maintain the weapon. Skilled mages are beginning to experiment with magical enhancements of ammunition and some guns themselves though magic’s interactions with gunpowder seem to be somewhat unpredictable currently. The gnomish people keep this technology guarded as they see it as their best defense against their aggressive neighbors to the east.  Even so they have been known to share their knowledge with their dwarven allies and some halfling peoples who spend much time with the gnomes.







Magic Burnout – Magic in Erde is wild, powerful, and unpredictable. Spells can often be cast more frequently but come with the risk of triggering unintended consequences, not all of which are negative.

Roll your Burnout die whenever you cast a magic spell: if you roll a 1 or 2, you trigger a burnout consequence and your burnout die also gets one size smaller. If you trigger burnout on the last burnout die you are no longer able to cast spells other than cantrips.  Cantrips can be used without triggering Burnout. Recover from burnout by:


  • Spending a hit die +1 burnout die
  • A short rest +1 burnout die
  • A long rest Reset burnout die to maximum

Burnout dice

1d12  →

1d10  →

1d8  →

1d6  →




Burnout Consequences




Drained: Lose (spell level) hit dice.


Reduced: Lose (spell level / 2) hit dice.


Shocked: Lose (spell level x4) hit points.


Hurt: Lose (spell level x2) hit points.


Blackout: Disadvantage on casting for (spell level) rounds.


Immolated: Shrink the burnout die to d4


Gifted: +1 burnout die.


Renewed: Regain (spell level) hit dice.


Healed: Gain (spell level x4) hit points.


Protected: Gain (spell level x5) temporary hit points.


Energized: Advantage on casting for (spell level) rounds.


Restored: Reset the burnout die to maximum.


Burnout Die by class: All classes receive a burnout die which applies to any spells they may gain access to through feats or other means outside of multiclassing. Multiclassing changes the burnout die to the highest die for the available classes. For example: a Barbarian having 1d4 burnout die multi-classes into Bard the burnout die will be set to 1d10 from that point on.

Wizard 1d12

Sorcerer 1d10

Druid 1d12

Cleric 1d10

Paladin 1d8

Bard 1d10

Blood hunter 1d8

Warlock 1d8

Barbarian 1d4

Fighter 1d6

Ranger 1d8

Artificer 1d8

Monk 1d6


Unique Races


Alien to Erde, humanoid, tall and lithe, yet oddly angular bodies. Share the same color range as dragons though they often possess a primary and secondary color, the secondary color is often bioluminescent. Skin is made up of large angular plates that are smooth and flesh like but also hard like scales. Long thin prehensile tails with reptile like spines on two sections of the tail. Skelt have no mouth and communicate telepathically. The Skelt are the servants of the Gods. When Corellon was slain a group of Skelt fled and established a colony in the lost lands, where they remain hidden attempting to keep from being found by the remaining Gods. An emissary has recently arrived in the Black City and is establishing an alliance with the Orcs to free the rest of their people.  Skelt are born from eggs. Skelt often have no name though many have chosen names as a result of choosing their own names Skelt have a wide variety of names, ranging from common names of Erde to objects or even celestial bodies.









Humanoid whisp-like creatures. For a long time, they were thought to be actual spirits and were worshiped or feared as such.


Sentient Coral like creatures that have recently been encountered in some coastal regions vaguely humanoid often have tentacle like additional appendages, they exhibit bioluminescence, and many get much of their nutrition from the sun via symbiotic relationships with specialized algae in their cells called zooxanthellae.  City: The Primal Cay


Insect like humanoids Aztec like culture.

Sub species:

Mantidae – Mantid like humanoids

Coleoptera – Beetle like humanoids

Arachnida – Spider like humanoids

Dusk Elves

Elven Sub Race Drow Replacement. Reside largely in Selotheas.



The Gods





Suggested Domains




Sarin, god of tyranny, Black Dragon God



Death, War

Dragon’s head, in profile, facing right



Deus, god of justice and nobility, Silver Dragon God



Life, War

Dragon’s head, in profile, facing left



The Magi, god of magic and the arts



Light, Knowledge

Eight-pointed star



The Tinker, goddess of civilization and invention



Light, Knowledge

Upper half of a clockwork gear



Muradin, god of creation



Knowledge, War, Forge

Flaming anvil



Leora, goddess of the sun and agriculture



Life, Light

Circle with six outwardly radiating points



Raven Queen, goddess of death



Life, Death

Raven’s head, in profile, facing left



The Jester, god of Torment



Trickery, Pain, Torment

Jagged counterclockwise spiral



Allot, goddess of wealth, greed, and vengeance



Trickery, War

Five-pointed star with curved points



Seknaphet, god of secrets



Death, Knowledge

Open eye inside a white pyramid



The Wandering Star, god of madness and change.



Secrets, Trickery, Madness

Mercury Mask



Corellon, Elven god, Dead.




Crescent Moon with flowering vines



The Child, goddess of chaos and youth.



Chaos, Trickery, Life, Joy





Lore surrounding the gods

Truth – Most of the gods stole their power from Erde itself, via the theft of a dragon soul, during the period referred to as “The Knowing”. Some were powerful inhabitants of Erde, others came from the far reaches of the universe as part of a great conflict between distant worlds. Some took names from historical mythology or the mythos that had already developed among groups of people and inserted themselves as the gods of Erde. The only true gods of Erde that are known to the peoples of Erde are, The Traveler, Seknaphet, The Child, Sarin, & Deus. All of which are secretly dragons.

Sarin & Deus – Silver and Black Dragon Gods. Once existed as a single mithril dragon god. The Wandering Star played a trick on him and caused the two conflicting views within Sarin Deus to separate into the individual gods Sarin and Deus. If either god ever walks Erde the other will be set free as well and they will plunge the world into chaos and war.

The Magi – Appears often as an ancient wizard. The Magi is known to manipulate the events of Erde more regularly than most of its peers.  Many an adventuring party has been formed through the machinations of The Magi.

The Tinker – Always appears as a very inquisitive and energetic female Gnome artificer. Spends more time among the people of Erde than any other god. Her curiosity and imagination drive her to inspire other inventors and thinkers and to personally contribute inventions of her own to the world though rarely are these inventions of any true consequence as she enjoys the act of creating and tinkering more so than any actual result.

Moradin – Primarily manifests as an imposing Dwarven smith or warrior with fiery red hair (sometimes literally).  Nearly all Dwarves pray to Moradin.

Leora – Recently created the Nemian, the male’s manes are representative of their connection with her and the sun. Often appears as a woman made of pure light or when mingling with the mortal races as a bronze skinned woman with bright nearly white blonde hair and slightly golden-brown eyes, often dressed in white or tan loose fitting clothing. She is also known to appear as an immensely powerful sphinx. Spends most of her time doting on her new creation.  


Brexta – Goddess who manifested from the release of magic from Correllen’s Fall. She is the goddess of Twilight and Protection.




(Europe) Western Continent


(Asia) Eastern Continent


(South America) South Western Continent – Ch’Shree are here. Rainforest Dominated Big fuckin Jungle


(North America) North Western Continent

Primal Cay

(Australia) South Eastern Continent – Birthplace of the Chorus.